Parish Ministry
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon in the celebration of the Mass so the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. They assist the presider at the chair and at the altar by carrying the processional cross, lighting the candles, holding the books, setting the altar, carrying the incense and a variety of other tasks during the service. This ministry helps to develop a sense of participation in parish life and a love for the church’s liturgical life, while growing closer to God in one’s own life. It also offers an opportunity to understand the rewards of service toward others and their community. Altar Servers assist all Masses, Stations of the Cross, Benediction, and other special events. Boys and girls who already have taken first communion are eligible for this ministry. Training normally takes place during fall or as the need arises.
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Altar Society
The Ladies Altar Society has served an important ministry at St. Thomas for many years. Their ministry includes maintenance of vestments, candles, altar clothes, and other sacramentals. They also ensure the church is appropriately decorated for liturgical celebrations and are responsible for the cleaning of the church. They also provide receptions to some important occasions of the Church i.e. First Communion, Baptisms, Funerals, etc.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Mrs. Constance Moore at
Extraordinary Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers for the distribution of Holy Communion are properly formed, instructed and commissioned lay persons. EMs may be male or female. They should reflect the cultural diversity of their parish community. These ministers are appointed for a given parish community to aid in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick and homebound when ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are unavailable.
EMs are not to function apart from their parish community. Ordinarily, EMs do not perform any other liturgical ministry at the Mass at which they serve as an EM. When the situation requires, the presider of the Mass may call upon members of the faithful who are not EMs to aid him in the distribution of Holy Communion on that one occasion. Those called must be Catholics in good standing who are themselves able to receive the Eucharist.
As the Church teaches, the bishop is the chief liturgist of his diocese. For this reason, the Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston regulates this ministry and all other liturgical ministries in collaboration with the pastors of the parishes of the Diocese.
The lector is one who proclaims the scriptures at mass. While often referred to as a “reader”, the lector is so much more than this. Truly, the lector is proclaimer and prophet in ministry to the community assembled. For the reader merely recites words for the ear, but through a proclaimer the words come alive as God’s message to the heart. That is, words become the Word.
If you are interested to become a lector, please contact Fr. Thien Nguyen
Lector Formation and Training
Prepared by Deacon Louis Provenzano
Characteristics and Spirituality of the Lector: The lector proclaims the Word of God to the assembled faith community. Men and women who accept the call to this ministry are presumed to be people of faith and lovers of Scripture, eager to serve the Christian community. The prophet Isaiah expresses this ministry well:
“The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue, that I may know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” -Isaiah 50:4
Summary of the Guidelines and Procedures for Ministers of the Word
Effective lectors are reverent, confident and deliberate. They continue to pray, develop and nourish their own spirituality. When proclaiming the Scriptures, their love and faith are evident to the hearers of the Word. Their lives change because they are constantly converted and motivated by the Word of God.
The Deacon or lector carries the Book of the Gospels and follows the servers and cross bearer in procession. The book is carried with the binding to the right, with both hands and few inches away from the breast, not held aloft like a banner. Lectors do not bow when holding the book. The Gospel Book is placed on the altar during the procession. The Lectionary is placed on the ambo before Mass. Lectors read from the Lectionary – not from a missalette or a sheet of paper. After the second reading, the lector places the Lectionary on a shelf or a stand. Ministers of the Word do not carry out the Lectionary or the Book of the Gospels in the recessional. Liturgical Books are always handled with reverence and honor.
Lectors communicate with the assembly in nonverbal ways – body language, dress, posture, attitude, etc. Dress simply and move with a demeanor of honor and reverence. Personal conversations, joking or laughing in the Narthex should be avoided as the Minister of the Word is a visible sign of our faith in action.
Preparation of the Lectionary
Lectors should review the Lectionary before Mass, noting the markers, the page, and the reading. This is important if another book is used in preparation. The lector places the Lectionary on the ambo. Check the microphone and the place of seating. Lectors ask the celebrant about the procedure for the entrance and the recessional.
Liturgy is one integral action – it functions like a symphony. Those who are in leadership roles in liturgical worship should be present from the beginning of Mass to the end. Come early to prepare and to pray. Inner quiet and composure will convey prayerfulness and the Spirit of God.
Liturgy is a celebration, a ritual prayer of the assembly with the leadership of the celebrant and the liturgical ministers. The focus is on expressing and celebrating the immediate faith experience of all present. Those in liturgical leadership enhance this experience with full, active and conscious participation. Dignified and restrained participation shows an alert awareness of the significance of ritual worship.
Lectors carefully choose their attire for simplicity and appropriateness. On festive occasions all liturgical ministers may wear an alb or consider appropriate clothing with the color and spirit of the season or feast.