About Us

Parish Staff

Rev. Thien Nguyen, SVD


Mrs. Pat McPherson

Director of Religious Education

Dr. Mac Bailes

Faith Formation Coordinator

Mrs. Marian Agostino

Music Ministry Coordinator

Office Hours

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
*depending on volunteer availability

In case of any emergency sacramental needs beyond the office hours, please call the Parish Rectory at (304) 364-5895.

When the pastor is away for vacation, he normally designates another priest as a contact person in cases of emergencies. You may also contact, the following churches closer to us:

St. John the Evangelist – (304) 872-2554
Summersville, WV

Good Shepherd – (304) 462-7130
Glenville, WV

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish/Pastoral Council joins together for the purpose of implementing and augmenting the work of the Holy Catholic Church within the Parish.  The Council shall have the objective of affirmatively assisting the Pastor and Priests of the Parish in fulfilling the Parish mission.  The Council shall have the continuing duty of providing an open, direct, and ongoing means of communication between the Clergy and parishioners.

The Council shall suggest and implement policies governing the temporal activity of the Parish and coordinate the activity of the Parish organizations by:

  • Advising and assisting the Pastor in the administration and development of spiritual matters in the parish.
  • Encouraging a more prominent lay involvement in the life of the parish community.
  • Cooperating with other churches and civic organizations in serving the community at large.
  • Serving as a medium of communication between our own parish and the Diocesan Church.
  • Acting with the Priests of the Parish in determining the special needs of the Parish. The Council shall be involved in evaluating any programs so constructed and be involved in establishing priorities and goals for the Parish.

Contact the Pastoral  Council

Mr. Tom Hailer


Mrs. Suzanne Cunningham

Mrs. Theresa Peters

Mrs. Beata Pawlowski

Mrs. Kathy Carter

Dr. Mac Bailes

Faith Formation Coordinator